SimWorks Studios Kodiak 100 Amphibian Released

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SimWorks Studios Kodiak 100 Amphibian Released

Post by WWA3293 »

Just released today for EUR 14.99 on their website (about $14.50 USD), and a bit higher elsewhere.

Remember if you already purchased the Wheeled variant from SWS's website you get a EUR 5 discount. Definitely take advantage of that! The discount code for it is on the right side of the "My Account" page of the site.

(P.S. I've uploaded the Amphibian paints to the hangar, so you can fly them in WestWind colors as soon as you finish installing the Kodiak Amphibian)
msfskodi_side.jpg (355.6 KiB) Viewed 18865 times
Alex Lu, WWA3293
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