XP11 Global Scenery Update

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XP11 Global Scenery Update

Post by BobSturm »

I just discovered that XP11 Global Scenery updates are available as a bundle from X-Plane.org Scenery downloads:
https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/f ... ts-update/

The most recent update was done in October 2022.

As some of you may already know, the airport scenery is done by many of the users of XP. I used to do some before I got back into doing scenery work for WWVA. As a matter of fact, all airports that I modify for WWVA are the latest updates that I download from the Scenery Gateway so that what I provide for WWVA is the newest version available. Periodically, one of the .org guys puts together a complete Global Scenery package for individuals to download and install. This way, even though Laminar no longer updates XP11, you can still keep the airports updated.
ImageSignature_Img-MD11 by Robert Sturm, on Flickr
Bob Sturm -- Sr. Command Capt. +18
V.P. Scenery Development
Hub Manager WSSS
XPlane 11/12, Traffic Global, Navigraph Charts
Sr. Master Scenery Designer Award
75K lb Cargo Award
20 Year Service Award
Computer: Intel i7-8700k 3.7GHz 6 Core 16GB / NVIDIA GTX-1080
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